Friday, June 8, 2012

Exciting progress

Yesterday was market day, so we met with all of the women and they laid out all of their jewelry. We went around to each group, because we tried out a new system of dividing them up into 4 groups for this order, and picked out all of the jewelry to fulfill the order for African Promise Foundation. After gathering all the jewelry, we paid each woman the same amount. Then we had a meeting with all of them to discuss this transition period from working for Voices for Global Change to finding new and more work for them. At the end of the meeting, we told them about my project! Jaron and I decided this was a good time to introduce my project to the women and see their response and if I could get started. Fortunately, the women responded super well and all 21 of them are going to let me come to their home and record them telling me about their life. We have a really good friend who is going to translate for me and another friend who said she would take pictures of the women with her super nice camera. We told them that I would put a book together with all of their stories to give to them and they really like that idea. I'm super excited to get started on my project and I'm so glad that things are moving forward! It will be so much fun to visit each lady individually and get to know them all so much better this way. I will hopefully start with the interviews next week because I have 21 women's stories to record in less than 2 months!


  1. In what language will the book be?

    1. In english because I have no one who could type out all the stories in acholi. Hopefully if we find more work for the women, then they'll be able to pay the school fees for their children, who will then learn english, but I know it's not ideal.
